140+ Pizza Puns to Make You Laugh – Slice of Humor

Pizza! Just the thought of it is enough to make your mouth water and eyes gleam.

But did you know that pizza can also be served with a generous topping of humor? That’s right!

We’re diving into the cheesy world of pizza puns—where the jokes are saucy, the punchlines are crispy, and the laughs are plentiful!

Hilarious Pizza Puns

  • What type of person doesn’t like pizza? A weir-dough!
  • Life is not about finding yourself; it’s about finding pizza!
  • I’m on a seafood diet. I see pizza, and I eat it!
  • Puns about pizza are the best because they’re so slice-tastic!
  • Every time I order pizza, I remind myself to use a *pizza* the action.
  • What did the pizza maker do after he lost his job? He just couldn’t make ends meet!
  • I can’t get enough of pizza—it’s the supreme leader of my heart!
  • Did you hear about the Greek pizza? It has a lot of feta character!
  • When it comes to pizza, “dough-n’t” worry, be happy!
  • Pizza is my spirit animal—always hot and ready for a party!

Funny Pizza Puns

  • I never met a pizza I didn’t like… except for that one from last week with the anchovies!
  • A pizza pun a day keeps the sadness away!
  • If you’ve lost your way, just follow the pizza crust!
  • Sometimes I wonder if pizza is a fruit… because it has so much a-peeling flavor!
  • As I grow older, I realize that I just want to hang out with pizzas!
  • The secret to happiness is pizza—lots and lots of pizza!
  • When it comes to pizza, I keep it thin—because nobody likes a thick crust of bad decisions!
  • Pizza is the slice of life we all need!
  • Feeling down? Grab a slice of pizza and do some *cheesy* yoga!
  • If only my love life were as cheezy as my pizza!

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Pizza One-liners

  • My love for pizza is crusted deep!
  • Pizza: because adulthood is hard enough!
  • When I ordered my pizza, I asked for it to be super cheesy—like me!
  • You can’t make everyone happy; you’re not pizza!
  • I’ll have a side of pizza, extra laughs, please!
  • Pizza: the only love triangle I’m in!
  • I’m just a girl standing in front of a pizza, asking it to love her!
  • Pizza is the answer; whatever the question is, it’s definitely pizza!
  • My pizza is a lot like my life: topped with chaos, but still delicious!
  • I’m having a pizza party with my dough-migos!

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Short Pizza Puns

  • What’s the best pizza topping? A slice of happiness!
  • Slice, slice baby!
  • Stay cheesy!
  • Wanna pizza my heart?
  • Pizza my love!
  • You gotta break eggs if you wanna make pizza!
  • I’m just here for the pizza!
  • Don’t go bacon my heart—bring me pizza instead!
  • Pasta la vista, pizza!
  • On a scale of one to pizza, how much do you love it?

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Pizza Jokes

  • Why did the pizza maker take a break? He kneaded it!
  • What did the pizza say to the delivery guy? “You’re my crust!”
  • Why do pizzas never get lost? They have good crusters!
  • How does pizza introduce itself? “Slice to meet you!”
  • Why did the toppings break up? They couldn’t communicate well!
  • What do you call a pizza that’s really good at keeping secrets? A crust-worthy pie!
  • Why was the pizza worried? It thought it would get eaten alive!
  • What do you call cheese that isn’t yours? Nacho cheese—but pizza earns its credit!
  • Why do pizzas go to college? To gain a little dough-education!
  • What is a pizza’s favorite movie? “Slice of Life”!

Check Out: 140+ Light Puns – Brighten Your Day

Best Pizza Puns

  • When it comes to pizza, there’s no topping my love!
  • Feeling saucy over the best pizza?
  • Don’t go crust me, I’m just a regular pizza!
  • Throughout life, you can count your friends on one hand, but pizza is forever!
  • My love language is pizza emojis!
  • Let’s taco ‘bout how great pizza is!
  • The only time I’m really cheesy is when I’m eating pizza!
  • We are the cheese to each other’s pizza!
  • Life is too short to eat just one slice!
  • Get a pizza this deliciousness!

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Funny Pizza Jokes

  • What’s a pizza’s favorite type of music? *Dough* wop!
  • Why did the pizza maker break up with their partner? They found someone *cheesier*!
  • What do you call a pizza with a one-liner? A pun-derful slice!
  • What did the pepperoni say to the cheese? “I can’t live without you… you’re the topping of my dreams!”
  • Why did the pizza go to school? To become a little smarter crust!
  • Where do pizzas go on vacation? To *dough*-minican Republic!
  • Why was the pizza blush? It saw the salad dressing!
  • What did the pizza say after the bad breakup? “I’m too sauced for this!”
  • What is a pizza’s favorite superhero? The Crust-Avengers!
  • When is a pizza like a comedian? When it’s really saucy!

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Short Pizza Jokes

  • What’s a pizza’s favorite game? Crust-ercise!
  • How do pizzas start their day? With a cheeky slice of coffee!
  • Why don’t pizzas ever get hired? Too cheesy in interviews!
  • How do you fix a broken pizza? With tomato paste!
  • Gone in 60 slices!
  • What did the pizza say at its retirement party? “I’m deep-dishing my past!”
  • Why didn’t the pizza dough want to get up? It wanted to lay low!
  • What do you call a pizza that tells jokes? A pun-za!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? A pepperoni pizza with extra laughs!
  • What did the dough say to the sauce? “You complete me!”

Check Out:

Final Thoughts

Well, there you have it! A full menu of pizza puns that are sure to leave you smiling brighter than Valentino’s cheese crust.

Whether you’re a pizza lover or just someone who enjoys a good chuckle, these puns and jokes can bring a slice of joy to any occasion.

Just remember to share them wisely: you wouldn’t want someone getting crusty about your humor—after all, laughter and pizza are better when they’re shared!