150+ Heart Puns That Will Make You Feel the Love!

Welcome, lovebirds and pun enthusiasts!

Get ready to feel all the fuzzy feel because we are diving deep into the wonderful world of heart puns.

Whether you’re trying to woo someone special or just want to impress your friends with your punny charm, these heart puns are guaranteed to make you smile (and maybe even roll your eyes a little).

Hilarious Heart Puns

  • I’m just a heartbreaker, breaking hearts and taking names.
  • Are you a magician? Because every time I look at you, everyone else disappears—into my heart!
  • What did the hopeful heart say? I love you a whole lot… like a whole latte.
  • The doctor told me I had a heart of gold, but really it’s just butter—it’s always melting!
  • Why did the heart get a promotion? It always put its heart into work!
  • You can count on me! I have perfect heartitude!
  • I was going to make a pun about hearts, but I heart you too much.
  • My heart just can’t stop beating around the bush.
  • When my heart is heavy, I just can’t stop wheeling and dealing!
  • Did you hear about the romantic heart? It knew how to swoon!

Funny Heart Puns

  • My heart races for you like an Olympic athlete chasing the last donut.
  • I have a heartfelt desire to be with you—mostly to avoid the cookies!
  • You’ve captured my heart… and my sandwich!
  • An expert thief must have stolen my heart because it’s definitely not where it used to be!
  • Love is like a fart – if you have to force it, it’s probably crap. So let’s feel the love!
  • You know what’s the root of all heartache? Talking to your ex… wholesome!
  • I told my heart to be still while I was watching that romantic movie—now it’s cranking up the beats!
  • If I was a heart, I wouldn’t skip a beat when I’m with you.
  • Why was the heart so bad at playing hide and seek? Because it was too easy to find it—heartbeating loudly!
  • My heart is a real overachiever—it just can’t stop “pumping” out puns!

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Heart One-Liners

  • My love for you is like a well-oiled heart—smooth and virtually unstoppable.
  • I’m head over heels for you; my heart just doesn’t understand this gravity thing.
  • I hope you know karate because my heart just got kicked!
  • Every time I’m with you, my heart does the happy dance—minus the good rhythm.
  • Are you a heart monitor? Because you make my heart skip a beat!
  • If my heart had a face, it would be doing something cute right now.
  • I’m not saying my love for you is true, but my heart totally pens love letters!
  • I lost my heart in the mailbox; I hope the postal service delivers quickly!
  • This Valentine’s Day, I’m sending you my heart… and a box of chocolates, because, well, priorities!
  • With you, my heart is in the right place—inside my chest where it should be!

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Short Heart Puns

  • You’re my favorite cardio workout!
  • I’m “heart”-ing you!
  • Let’s “heart” it out!
  • You make my heart swell!
  • I can’t “heart” you enough!
  • This is the beat of my life!
  • You’re “heart”-tastic!
  • All I need is love… and pizza!
  • Me + You = Heart emojis forever!
  • I’m in-thyming my love for you!

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Heart Jokes

  • Why did the skeleton go to the ball? Because it had a heart full of courage!
  • What did the heart say to the person who stole it? Get your own!
  • What do you call a heart that tells jokes? A pun-derful organ!
  • Why did the alarm clock break up with the calendar? Because it just didn’t have the right “time” for a heart!
  • What are electrical engineers’ favorite songs? Heartbeats!
  • Why did the heart want to play hide and seek? To get closer without saying a word!
  • What did one heart say to the other? “You crack me up!”
  • What kind of music do hearts listen to? Soul music!
  • Why do hearts always carry umbrellas? To catch the “soul”-ful rain!
  • What do you get when you cross a heart and a cheetah? A fast-paced love story!

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Best Heart Puns

  • My heart is “on fire”—but don’t call the fire department just yet!
  • Don’t be such a “cardio” in the room!
  • I love you with all my heart! Just don’t ask about my cholesterol!
  • My heart just called; it wants a hug and a snack!
  • I’m looking for heart-felt feelings, like candy and hugs!
  • Take my heart and look after it—I’ve got “beat” problems!
  • Life without love is like a heart without rhythm—peaceful but just weird!
  • If I had a heart for every time I loved you, I’d still need more hearts!
  • You hold the key to my heart… now don’t lose it, please!
  • My heart goes “thump, thump” whenever I see you big-time enjoying dinner!

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Funny Heart Jokes

  • Why was the heart always broke? It couldn’t stop giving out “hookups”!
  • What did the playful heart say? “Let’s make some ‘pun’damental memories together!”
  • Why don’t hearts play cards? Because they can’t handle the “deceit”!
  • What do you call a broken heart? An “ex” heart! Get it?
  • Why did the heart go to school? To get a little more “cardio-vation”!
  • Why did the heart date the bicycle? Because it couldn’t resist the two-tired charm!
  • What did the heart say when it won a race? “I’m feeling like a champion right now!”
  • What song did the love-struck heart sing? “I Will Survive!”
  • What happens when you tell your heart a secret? It’ll “beat” around the bush!
  • Why does the heart never get bored? Because it’s always making “beats” on new adventures!

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Short Heart Jokes

  • Why did the heart join the gym? To get into shape!
  • What do you call a heart that loves coffee? A mocha-loving heart!
  • Why do hearts always travel? To “get away” from relationship drama!
  • What does a heart wear to a party? A “beat” tuxedo!
  • Why did the heart cross the road? To show love on the other side!
  • What does a heart do in its leisure? It enjoys a good “beat”!
  • What kind of candy does a heart love? Sweethearts!
  • Why did the cupcake break up with the heart? It found someone frostier!
  • How does a heart say goodbye? With heart-warming hugs!
  • Feeling down? Just remember, you can always “beat” your blues!

Check Out:

Final Thoughts

And there you have it, a smorgasbord of heart puns to elevate your love life and tickle your funny bone.

Whether you’re trying to charm someone special or just looking to keep things light-hearted, these puns are sure to deliver moments of joy.

So next time someone asks you to share the love, you know exactly which puns to pull from your punny arsenal!

Stay light-hearted and remember, love is all about sharing some laughs!