100 Hilarious League Of Legends Puns That Will Make You LOL

Welcome to the magical world of League of Legends, where champions clash like my diet plans versus my obsession with cake!

If you’ve ever summoned a champion or couldn’t resist spamming gg in chat, then you’ll appreciate the humor hidden in the Rift!

We’re here to tickle your funny bone with the ultimate collection of League Of Legends puns.

So grab a snack, because it’s time to feast on the laughs!

Hilarious League Of Legends Puns

  • What’s Vayne’s favorite band? The Silver (Vayne)lights!
  • Why did Ezreal break up with his girlfriend? Because she just didn’t have the Arcane.
  • What did Garen say to the top laner? You can’t escape my spin – it’s a real whirligig!
  • Why did Jinx get a good job? Because she knows how to work her magic with explosive personalities!
  • What did Ashe say to her new ice cream? “I’m gonna freeze you out!”
  • Why don’t champions ever get lost? Because they always follow the minion path!
  • How does Teemo get to school? On a mushroom bus, of course!
  • Why did Riven go to therapy? She couldn’t get over her past breaking point!
  • When are Akali and Irelia never stressed? When they’re in the “Chill” lane!
  • What did Dr. Mundo say during the winter? I’m ready to face the snow – I run at a fast (Mundo) pace!”

Funny League Of Legends Puns

  • If I had a dollar for every time I fed in a game, I’d be as rich as Twisted Fate! And I’d still be rolling my “dices!
  • Why don’t Riot employees play hide and seek? Because good luck hiding, everyone knows they’re just waiting for a “patch”!
  • How does Leona stay organized? She has the best “shield” for her calendar!
  • Why was the Rift so upset? It lost its “Lane” of communication!
  • How does Rakan keep his hair so nice? He uses the “Fellowship of the Spark” shampoo!
  • What did the Nexus say to its friend? “You’re my ‘core’-ed partner!”
  • Why don’t Nocturne and Death have a good relationship? Too many “Nightmares”!
  • How do you organize a party in the jungle? You just invite the “Beast” champs!
  • Why did Karma win the argument? Because she had the “ultimate” comeback!
  • What did League say to the trolls? Quit your baiting or we’ll report you to our riot!

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League Of Legends One-liners

  • Ahri is the real “charm” of the game!
  • When I play Bard, I always have a time-warping good time!
  • Don’t mind me, I’m just a Riven in a world of normal!
  • Bard always gets the best “chime” when he’s around!
  • Gnar’s a small guy, but he always shows “big” emotions!
  • When Jhin starts, you “feel the art” in every kill!
  • Gragas doesn’t need a “barrel” of laughs – he’s already overflowing with them!
  • Just like Soraka, I love to “heal” with laughter!
  • Sion is literally my “block” of choice when it comes to terrain!”
  • Pantheon’s main job? Always “jump”-starting my enthusiasm!

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Short League Of Legends Puns

  • Why is Jinx such a great mechanic? She always knows how to “spark” joy!
  • How do you make Teemo laugh? Just “mushroom” with joy!
  • Caitlyn is always aiming for “high” standards!
  • Urgot doesn’t need a gym; he’s always ready to “lift” the heavy stuff!
  • What do you call Yasuo in a hurry? A “wind-flow” experience!
  • When is Lee Sin a bad driver? When he can’t “see” the turns!
  • What do you say to a champion who loves poetry? “You really have a way with your ‘rhyme’!”
  • What does Teemo say on a bad day? “Leave it to my ‘toxic’ nature!”
  • How do you scare a Minion? You just have to “Yorick” up!
  • Why did Lucian become a banker? To earn a lot of “gold”!

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League Of Legends Jokes

  • Why don’t champions use the fountains? Because they can’t “last” with the water bill!
  • What do you call a champion with a broken heart? “Riven-ed”!
  • Why did Riven and Garen never get along? Because she was always “breaking” his spin!
  • What does Zed say at a bakery? “Slice is everything!”
  • Who’s the best detective in the League? The “Irelia-seer”!
  • Why did Diana and Leona get along so well? They both shine “bright” like the sun!
  • What does Swain do on vacation? He “Hunts” for more fun!
  • Why do champions love the jungle? Because it’s “wild” out there!
  • What did the minion say when he fell down? “I’m just on a ‘mini’-break!”
  • Why are ADCs so confident? Because they never hesitate to “carry” the game!

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Best League Of Legends Puns

  • “Kennen” me your best jokes – I need a laugh!
  • When I order food with a side of riot, it’s always “League” of flavor!
  • “Sion” you ask so nicely for puns, here are some!
  • Miss Fortune and I would make a great team; I’m great at making a “killing”!
  • Just like a champion, my humor is always “on point”!
  • Why don’t champions tell secrets? Because they always lack “discretion”!
  • When I play with Lux, it’s always an illuminating experience!
  • “Nautilus” wait any longer for some laughs!
  • My love for League is “underground” but always present!
  • When it comes to laughs, I’ll always be a “support”!

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Funny League Of Legends Jokes

  • Why did the Baron take a break? Because it was tired of being the “main” target!
  • What do you get when you mix Ryze and a cat? A real “mage-kitty”!
  • Why does Kled always have energy? Because he’s “riding” the wave of excitement!
  • What did Lucian say to his partner? “Let’s make this a ‘duo’ dream!”
  • How do you make your opponents laugh? By “cheesing” them in the game!
  • Why did Rumble love the library? Because he was ready for a “story”!
  • How did Singed become a chef? Because he creates many “toxic recipes”!
  • What’s Ekko’s favorite time of day? “Chime” time!
  • What do you call Garen at a party? The “spin-master”!
  • When asked why he’s so fast, Shyvana replied, “Because I’ve got a real ‘fang’ for speed!”

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Short League Of Legends Jokes

  • What does Darius say when he wins? “That’s a ‘nice chop!’”
  • Why did Teemo never play poker? Because he’s too “spotty”!
  • What did the gloating support say? “My plays are always on ‘point’!”
  • Why can’t dragons tell secrets? Because they always “roar” with laughter!
  • Why was Thresh so good at fishing? He had all the best “hooks”!
  • How does a Vayne player handle electricity? With a “shock” of confidence!
  • Why was the jungler always happy? Because they always knew how to “drum” up fun!
  • When your friends can’t stop laughing in-game, are they trolling or just “seriously funny”?
  • What did the baron say when it was late? “I’m going to make this a ‘late-night’ snack!”
  • Why was Fizz the best swimmer? Because he always “fairy-tails” his way through the water!

Check Out:

Final Thoughts

League Of Legends isn’t just about buying items, racking up kills, and wondering why your team decided to Baron when it was clearly unsafe.

It’s also about finding joy in the game, sharing laughs, and bonding with your teammates (or throwing them under the bus in a game of ‘who didn’t ward?’).

With these puns up your sleeve, you’ll not only dominate the Rift but also keep the chat bubbling with laughter.

Remember, whether you’re a noob or a pro, the key to summoning smiles is to never take it too seriously!

Let the puns lead the way to a fun-tastic gaming experience!